Escrowed FUL ($esFUL)
$esFUL is a time-locked version of $FUL, which can be:
Staked for rewards similar to regular $FUL
Vested to become actual $FUL over a period of one year
1 : 1 value of $FUL
Staking $esFUL receives three types of rewards:
Escrowed $FUL ($esFUL)
Boost Points
Protocol revenue ($CRO/$ETH/$zkCRO)
Each staked $esFUL will enjoy the same APRs for $esFUL, protocol revenue and Boost Points as when $FUL is staked. Thus for a user with $esFUL, staking it actually increases their share of rewards similar to if they actually had staked more $FUL into the staking pool.
$esFUL rewards generated by staking $FLP will be given at a fixed rate per second at launch.
You will be able to check esFUL APR and vest it into FUL after FUL IGO.
$esFUL is not transferable between wallets.
Last updated