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Fulcrom Liquidity Pool ($FLP) is the native liquidity token of Fulcrom. It is an index token that comprises a series of bluechip assets like $BTC, $ETH, $ATOM and Stablecoins. As such, its value is partially derived from the price of its underlying assets.
$FLP acts as the counterparty of all trades that are executed on Fulcrom and earns a larger proportion of protocol revenue as compared to $FUL.
You can buy $FLP with any of the supported assets in the FLP pool, and the $FLP will be automatically staked to earn:
Escrowed $FUL ($esFUL)
Protocol revenue ($CRO/$ETH/$zkCRO)
Insane Mode Trading will be unlocked after you've staked at least 300 $FLP on Fulcrom. It allows you to trade at up to 200X leverage on all supported assets.
Note: Max leverage is capped at 100x on zkSync Era and Cronos zkEVM.
Cronos zkEVM Exclusive
All vETH & vUSD yields earned by our smart contracts on Cronos zkEVM will be deposited into FLP automatically, which increases the AUM and price of FLP, in turn rewarding FLP stakers.
Note that the yields are deposited via the direct deposit function, so we won’t dilute the rewards earned by the FLP stakers in our community. 💪
Past deposit record can be accessed via this API: https://token-rewards-api.zkevm.cronos.org/distribution-history/0x4bb74a27bfe30afd8974ac84cfea62f3e4515a7c?page=0&size=50